
Embark on flavorful escapades with Arty, Punky, Smarty,and Maddy in the enchanting world of Jelimals, where whimsical shapes like bears, rockets and the intriguing evil eye turn snacking into an imaginative journey. 

What Are We


With Chhota Bheem as our dynamic brand ambassador, Jelimals invites you to savor the perfect fusion of taste & entertainment. Each pack unveils individually packed jellies, ensuring a hygienic & effortless indulgence in this vibrant universe. Elevate your experience with a complimentary mobile game included in MUP packs, adding an extra layer of excitement to the delightful realm of Space Adventures.



Meet our mascots

Hi, I’m Arty!

Hi, I’m Arty!

Hi, I’m Maddy!

Hi, I’m Maddy!

Hi, I’m Punky!

Hi, I’m Punky!

Hi, I’m Smarty!

Hi, I’m Smarty!


Our brands